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New Look, Long Heritage.

We joined Melissa on a creative journey to refresh their identity, ensuring it remained true to its deep-rooted farm-to-fork values while embracing a modern look. Melissa has always been committed to Greek agriculture, championing sustainable practices and forming lasting partnerships with local farmers. As their product range expanded to include diverse and innovative offerings, it became clear that a cohesive brand identity was essential. This is where we stepped in, working closely with Melissa to reimagine their fresh packaging and visual identity.

The logo underwent minor refinements to stay current, while packaging innovations included the creation of clear windows for easy product recognition. The new packaging is a visual symphony, blending earthy hues with Mediterranean blues, reflecting the beauty of Greek landscapes. Prominently featured statements like “Made from 100% Greek durum wheat” and “Greek Pasta from Select Greek Fields” reinforce Melissa’s dedication to quality and authenticity. Each pack of pasta now tells a story of tradition, innovation and a deep love for Greek gastronomy.