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Go out and smell the roses: the motto of an open-air arts festival in the first post-Covid summertime.

Aeschylia Festival is the inclusive arts festival of the city of Eleusis in Attica and has been part of Greek cultural life for almost five decades. Every year, the Festival’s communication material is a free project that allows us to provide different interpretations of how people encounter the arts in a vibrant, open-air festival, taking place at the tail-end of the extended Greek summer season. In 2022, this coincided with a relaxing of the limitations on cultural activities that were imposed by the pandemic, and consequently a sense of euphoria after 3 years of quarantines.

This joie de vivre, this extroversion, this rebirth was what we sought to celebrate with the floral visuals. We chose naif, digitally enhanced hand-drawn flowers to reflect a child’s view of the world, a view shared by many adults in the post-Covid era; the imperative to “smell the roses” now being more powerful than ever.

The vibrant palette of basic and complementary colours used throughout is another manifestation of joy. The playful interaction of frames, uneven fonts and colours in the printed materials exudes the mobility and bustle we were all longing for after the era of isolation.
